Reviving and Rebuilding in Politics: A Multi-level View from the Inside

Rebuilding and Re-Imagining: Policy Opportunity in Leadership Changes 2002-2014

June 19th, 2015 from 9:00am – 4:30pm

General elections and party changes of leadership are challenging moments in Canadian political dynamics at all three levels of government. They offer‎ exciting opportunities for policy change. Leaders eager to make their mark, followers seeking re-energizing, and civil services hungry for new challenges create exciting momentum for a new political offering. At the same time inertia, ‎habit, and entrenched interests are at work: delaying, blunting and even thwarting change.

How can leaders and their teams seize a moment of change? Is renewal possible within a governing party? What conditions allow it? Where do elections fit in?

These central issues in Canadian politics and government are explored by one of Canada’s ‎leading practitioners in campaigning, platform development, and governing. Experience high policy decision-making in “the kitchen of government” in this exciting workshop.

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