Ontario PC’s 2018 Platform


“Plan for the People”


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Economic Policy




  • Cut income taxes by 20% for the second income-tax bracket
  • Lower gasoline taxes by 10 cents a litre and diesel taxes by 10.3 cents a litre
  • Introduce a minimum-wage tax credit so those on minimum wage pay no tax
  • Create a 75% refundable tax credit for child care costs for children aged 0 – 15



Corporate taxes



  • Lower business taxes from 11.5% to 10.5%
  • Reduce the small business tax rate by 8.7%






  • Cancel the ‘Jobs and Prosperity’ Fund
  • Support Regional Economic Development Funds which provide necessary help to regions like rural and Northern Ontario
  • Cut red tape and stifling regulations that are crippling job creation and growth






  • Further expand sales of beer and wine into corner stores, grocery stores, and box stores, based on market demand and not government decree.  Maintain the LCBO’s role in wholesale and distribution and as a location for the people of Ontario to buy their beer, wine and spirits
  • Investigate the feasibility and safety of expanding cannabis sales to private retailers


Healthcare Policy


Long-Term Care



  • Build 15,000 long-term care beds in five years and 30,000 beds in 10 years



Mental Health & Addictions



  • Invest $3.8 billion in mental health, addictions and housing supports over 10 years.






  • Introduce free dental care for low-income seniors


Education Policy

[one_third]Skills Development



  • Fill the skills gap by increasing access to apprenticeships and reforming the foreign credential recognition process to help qualified immigrants come to Ontario and contribute to the economy to their fullest potential immediately






  • Scrap discovery math and inquiry-based learning in our classrooms and restore proven methods of teaching
  • Make mathematics mandatory in teachers’ college programs
  • Fix the current EQAO testing regime that is failing our kids and implement a standardized testing program that works
  • Restore Ontario’s previous sex-ed curriculum until we can install a new one that is age appropriate and based on real consultation with parents



Child Care



  • Provide an additional $38 million in funding for all children with autism, above and beyond the funding already in the government’s plan



Schools & Classrooms



  • Uphold moratorium on school closures until the closure review process is reformed
  • Ban cell phones in all primary and secondary school classrooms, in order to maximize learning time
  • Mandate universities to uphold free speech on campuses and in classrooms


Infrastructure & Transit




  • Deliver two-way, all-day GO service, including expansions to Bowmanville, Kitchener and completing the Niagara GO Expansion
  • Support regional transit projects in places such as Ottawa, Hamilton, Mississauga/Brampton, Kitchener-Waterloo and London
  • Upload responsibility for subway infrastructure, including the building and maintenance of new and existing subway lines, from the City of Toronto to the Province
  • Add $5 billion in new subway funding to the $9 billion already available to build the Sheppard Loop with Scarborough, the Relief Line, and the Yonge Extension while building future crosstown expansions underground
  • Actively explore potential for high-speed rail and highway projects including the potential six-laning of Highway 401 to the 416 between Toronto and Ottawa.
  • Bring back passenger rail service to the North
  • Cut the aviation fuel tax for the North to reduce the cost of living in the North





  • Preserve rent control for existing tenants across Ontario
  • Increase the supply of affordable housing across the GTA while protecting the Greenbelt in its entirety.


Natural Resources & Energy




  • Cut hydro rates by 12%
  • Fire the CEO and entire board of Hydro One
  • Eliminate inflated salaries at Ontario Power Generation and Hydro One
  • Stabilize industrial hydro rates through a package of aggressive reforms






  • Increase the Risk Management Program (RMP) cap by $50 million annually to help farmers and other producers better manage risks outside of their control.



Mining & Natural Gas



  • Move forward with resource revenue sharing from mining, forestry and aggregates to help Northern towns and Indigenous communities share in resource development
  • Expand natural gas distribution to rural communities by enabling private sector participation and use the up to $100 million in savings to invest in cellular and broadband expansion.



[one_third]Climate Change



  • Set up an emissions-reduction fund to invest in new technologies to reduce emissions in Ontario
  • Cancel the Green Energy Act
  • Cancel sustainable energy contracts that are in pre-construction phase and re-negotiate other energy contracts
  • Declare a moratorium on new energy contracts






  • Protect the entirety of the greenbelt
  • Ensure hunting and fishing revenues go toward their stated purpose of conservation
  • Protect and preserve our waterways and support and enforce our air quality programs
  • Improve enforcement, including hiring more conservation officers and increasing policing of major polluters
  • Commit resources to reduce garbage in our neighbourhoods and parks


Governance & Accountability




  • Launch an independent commission of inquiry whose mandate is to get to the bottom of the deficit scandal and to propose timely solutions to solving the deficit problem
  • Expand the Auditor General’s authority to include approval of government ads that Kathleen Wynne took away.


Budgets & Spending



  • Return to a balanced budget on a responsible timeframe.
  • Centralize government purchasing.
  • Conduct a value-for-money audit of every government program


Public Safety




  • Restore the funding that the Liberals cut in half to the anti-guns-and-gangs units in Ottawa and Toronto in order to better protect our communities and stop crime
  • Reform Bill 175, the Police Services Act
  • Dedicate resources to fight organized crime, including the production and smuggling of contraband and illicit drugs, as well as child exploitation and human trafficking
  • Hire more corrections, probation and parole officers to hold criminals accountable and protect victims


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