Ontario’s top bureaucrats navigate political minefields while doing more with less

The Toronto Star on StrategyCorp’s 2016 Municipal CAO survey:

A report featuring interviews with 25 municipal CAOs across Ontario reveals some candid thoughts about the challenges facing cities.

She or he might be the most important person you’ve never heard of.

But your municipal chief administrative officer, the top administrator in a local government, is directly involved with many key decisions that impact your everyday life.

In a new report by consulting firm StrategyCorp, the company conducted extensive interviews with 25 municipal CAOs from mid- to large-size Ontario cities. The report does not reveal any of their names or where they work, and in return, it provides a candid insight into what goes on inside city halls across the province. The Star interviewed one of the report’s co-authors, StrategyCorp partner John Matheson.

[button link=”https://azh7b9.a2cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/StrategyCorp-Ontario-Municipal-Chief-Administrative-Office-Survey.pdf.pdf” color=”custom” size=”small” target=”_blank” title=”” gradient_colors=”#1b5993,#1b5993″ gradient_hover_colors=”#000000,#000000″ border_width=”0px” border_color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” shadow=”no” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Download Report[/button]

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