Tori Hudson


Tori is an Associate in StrategyCorp’s Government Relations practice in Toronto.

Prior to joining StrategyCorp, Tori worked as a Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Officer for the Honourable Karina Gould, MP for Burlington and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons. Her role focused on the development of communications products, to build and maintain community/stakeholder relationships, and acting as political staffer for Minister Gould. This encompassed various tasks such as social media platform management, strategized and produced communication materials, managed the Minister’s agenda, speechwriting, event and announcement planning, and coordinated with various federal departments for different projects.

Previous to her role in communications and stakeholder relations, Tori was Minister Goulds Constituency Office Assistant where she was tasked with tracking and monitoring media coverage, managing Service Canada casework, and wrote correspondence on political, legal, and government matters.

Tori is a graduate of Dalhousie University, where she earned First Class Honours in Law, Justice, and Society with a minor in Political Science.

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