Planning for Resilience – Financial Resilience of Canadian Households

In this new policy paper, the StrategyCorp Institute of Public Policy and Economy looks at the latest data on the financial resilience of Canadian households. We examine the role that professional financial planning can play in improving the resilience of low- and middle-income Canadians.
Financial planners are well-positioned to help households improve their financial resilience thanks to their holistic approach to advice. Despite the positive impact on resilience, only four per cent of Canadians work with a financial planner. Several barriers prevent individuals from accessing financial planning services today, including perceived costs.
This policy paper looks at how the federal government can help break down barriers to access for low- and middle-income Canadians. Improving access to professional financial planning advice can help build more financially resilient households, contributing to a more resilient Canadian economy.
Download the Institute’s Planning for Resilience report here.
Télécharger ce document de politique en français ici.