StrategyCorp report guides Windsor through challenging economic development environment

StrategyCorp was engaged by the City of Windsor to conduct an Economic Development Delivery Strategy. The review focused on ways to improve on the existing structure using the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation, a regional organization that provides economic development services across the Windsor/Essex region.

To complete the review, StrategyCorp conducted extensive interviews with key stakeholders to gain a deep understanding of the City’s economic development challenges and needs. The interviews included both political and business interests, such as City Councillors, local start-ups, large companies, and local economic development and related organizations. Following the interviews, StrategyCorp reviewed best practices from other municipalities, and conducted a gap analysis to determine how the City could maximize the results from its efforts with respect to economic development.

Economic development is a key issue for the City of Windsor. It was identified by City Council as a key priority in its recently developed 20-Year Vision. Recognizing this, StrategyCorp worked to develop a balanced report that sought to improve service delivery outcomes without undermining the benefits of the existing structure.

The final report called for the hiring of 2.5 additional staff at the City of Windsor to help with local economic development within the City. Local economic development initiatives were noted as an important area for improvement in interviews, and the hiring of the 2.5 employees should help in meeting the City’s local needs. In addition, the report proposed more active management of the regional agency, and a tying of funding more directly with measureable performance outcomes to ensure the City was getting value for its investments in economic development.

The final report was approved by Council on December 7th in a 10-1 vote.

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